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Do I have to ski or snowboard to be a member?

Absolutely not, the Nomads have activities for many interests. A good portion of our membership are non-skiers/snowboarders. We host numerous social events throughout the year. There are groups that get together to watch the Bears, play pickleball and go on bicycle rides. In addition to ski/snowboard trips we have also done non-ski related trips to Costa Rica, Italy, an Alaskan cruise, whitewater rafting and summer camping trips.

Do I have to be a member to participate in club events?

There are many social events that are open to everyone but to sign up for trips and special events you must be a member.

Are children welcome in the club?
We welcome families and host an annual family ski trip.
Do I have to be a good skier/snowboarder?

We have members of all abilities from first timers to extreme athletes. No matter what level you are you will find others to ski and ride with. Many of our expert skiers spend time helping newcomers learn.

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